20+ fewer emails

per day cluttering your inbox

10+ hours

saved per week

5x more

news consumed

How it works


Connect Email

Connect your existing email account in under 1 minute.


Confirm Newsletters

Select which newsletters are forwarded to NewsNook.


Read News

Begin reading your daily and weekly newsletters in our app.

NewsNook App Screenshots

De-clutter your inbox

All your newsletters in one place

After connecting your email, you will find and read all your newsletters within the NewsNook web, android and iOS apps.

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Your Inbox as a Podcast

Listen to news
on the go

We transform your newsletters into newscasts so you can consume them as if they were podcasts.

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Your personal librarian

An AI assistant for reading news

Without interrupting your flow, ask your AI assistant for definitions, contextual info, or additional sources related to the news you are reading.

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Avoid the noise, capture the signal

Daily & weekly news summaries

You will receive an AI-generated summary of newsletters for each day, week, or month, highlighting the events, statistics and trends that are most intriguing for you!

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Build credibility as a leader

Backup your facts!

We auto-tag each newsletter you read and archive so that when you need to quickly reference news for your blog, podcast or writing project, you can.

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Be a thought leader

Touch base by sharing news

Strengthen relationships with your outer circle, by sharing pertinent news with colleagues via thoughtful AI-generated messages.

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License your domain knowledge

Sell your curated news feed

As an industry thought leader who has invested time into curating a perfect news feed, profit by licensing your news feed to your followers!

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Become a Beta-customer

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Bill Trevillyan Headshot

I'm Bill, the engineer building NewsNook.

Thank you for checking out my app. I hope you find it makes your mornings of information overload more enjoyable.